Mango Wood Furniture: Quality That Is Affordable And Attractive

Mango wood furniture has become a popular decorating choice for a number of good reasons. The reason is that it passes the three crucial tests potential buyers set for any wood to be used in a piece of furniture: it is of good quality, it is attractive, and it is reasonably priced.

The wood itself has a good density on the scale of hardness it would be somewhere in the middle, similar to that of ash or black cherry. The tree itself can grow to a height of about 40 meters (roughly 130 feet) with a diameter of around 4 feet. It is certainly strong and durable enough to be used for any type of furniture, and it is water-resistant as well.

As for appearance, mango wood comes in a range of colors from an almost pinkish to brown. The color of any individual piece will depend on where the tree was grown, and also on the time of the season that the tree was felled. Some say that the wood is most attractive when it is closer to the darker end of its range of colors.

There are a few factors that result in this type of wood being much less expensive than others. For one, the mango tree grows very quickly once planted, and therefore is sufficiently mature to be harvested while other trees are still growing. Also, the tree of course also produces the mango fruit which is in great demand worldwide, but a typical tree may produce fruit for only a few years. mango wood furniture As a result it is available to be cut down at an earlier age, and then re-forested to allow another to be available again in a relatively short time. This results in a greater supply of lumber being readily available, and this in turn keeps the price at a lower level than might otherwise be expected.

As stated, mango is durable but it does require some care. It is not suited to an especially dry environment. A mango wood table, for example, could begin to crack if kept in a dry environment. A humidifier, or regular treatment with a furniture polish made from natural oils, should solve that problem. There is also the problem of too much direct sunlight, which can also cause cracking or bleaching if not tended to as mentioned above. And finally, the heartwood can fall victim to fungal infection, so it needs to be treated before use.

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